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How We Make and Create Our Role Play Areas

Percy the Park Keeper

In the 2-year-old room we have Percy the Park Keepers Hut as our role play, the children have really enjoyed engaging in creating and exploring the role play area. Our role play is always based on the current interests of the children in our room.

The story of Percy the Park keeper has been a favourite at circle time for a few weeks now and has captured the children’s imagination, therefore we extended the children’s learning by creating a role play area with Percy’s shed. The children made the role play area themselves by painting the shed and printing with leaves they found outside. We also used the vegetables to print our own pictures to display on the shed.

We then added natural materials such as leaves, vegetables, wooden logs for the children to explore. We are also going to link this learning with the harvest festival and the Autumn week we have planned for the nursery as a whole. We will make links within the Autumn season and bring the outdoors indoors within the nursery playroom.

Why don’t you try going on your own Autumn treasure hunt this weekend and creating your own role play area and send your pictures into our email to have them displayed at Nursery.

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